Triceps Extension | Prone Grip or Supine grip - IC Fitness Club

Triceps Extension | Supine Grip or Prone Grip?

Which one is best ?

Prone Grip cable extension

Supine Grip cable extension

Today, People are so much obsessed with the bodybuilders today. they all want a lean and well defined physique.
Bodybuilders have become the idols for majority of the population.

Increasing craze for the Bodybuilding has made it difficult for the bodybuilders to stand out of the crowd and establish their own identity and their USP.

Thus, to stand out of the crowd they introduce various variation of the exercise and some unique way to perform the exercise.
Their primary objective behind these new techniques and variations is to promote themselves.

But, the point is are all these variations are good for you?

Triceps Extension is one of them. Bodybuilders are performing Triceps Extensions in all the grips, i.e. supine, prone and neutral.

To Understand the Difference, 
watch the video,

to watch the full video,

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