Latest Research on Microplastics found in sugar and salt in India: What You Need to Know


Latest Research on Microplastics found in sugar and salt in India: What You Need to Know

In recent years, the issue of microplastics has garnered significant attention globally, and India is no exception. The latest research from Indian scientists and institutions sheds light on the pervasive presence of microplastics in everyday products like salt and sugar, raising concerns about health and environmental impacts. Here’s a snapshot of the most recent findings and what they mean for consumers.

Microplastics in Salt and Sugar: The Indian Context

Recent studies conducted by Indian research institutions have revealed alarming levels of microplastics in common table salt and sugar. Researchers from institutions like the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) and the Central Food Technological Research Institute (CFTRI) have analyzed samples from various regions across the country.

  1. Salt Analysis: A study published in the Journal of Environmental Management in early 2024 found that up to 80% of table salt samples in India contained microplastic particles. The study attributes this contamination to the use of plastic packaging and the environmental pollution that affects salt production.
  2. Sugar Studies: Similar research on sugar, conducted.....


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